Someone truly on your side.
New Jersey Labor Shield. LLC (NJLS) is empowered by former New Jersey Department of Labor Investigators. Expertly prepared to help anyone in the public or private construction industry with New Jersey Prevailing Wage ...
Save you Time and Money!
NJDOL penalties for New Jersey Prevailing Wage non-compliance have increased dramatically. Simple mistakes can financially cripple a company more than ever.
Before, during, or even after a NJDOL audit, NJLS's experience ...
The relationship between the construction industry and the NJDOL can quickly become very adversarial.
New Jersey Labor Shield would like to be that bridge between compliance enforcement and the NJDOL where solutions are fair, swift, and amicable.
The ...
Kevin Triplett: Former NJDOL Bureau Chief of Investigations with over 25 years of NJDOL investigative and enforcement experience in both the NJ Prevailing Wage and General Wage & Hour Compliance. Kevin also had a significant hand in training the current ...